2004 Southeast Horn Workshop

5–7 March 2004 – Florida State University

Privacy Policy

This is the web site of The 2004 Southeast Horn Workshop. If you feel that this site is not following the following stated information policy, you may contact us at the address or phone number below.

Contact Information

Our postal address is:
Michelle Stebleton
School of Music
Florida State University
PO Box 1180
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1180

We can be reached via email at msteblet@mailer.fsu.edu; you can reach us by telephone at 850-644-0411 or by fax at 850-644-2033.

Automatic Collection of Information

For each visitor to our Web page, our web server may collect information regarding the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet and information such as browser type and version, and operating system. This information may be used to provide a better understanding of the visitors’ computing environments and will not be disclosed to any other organizations in a specific manner.

Information Surrendered by Visitors

We collect information volunteered by the visitor in the form of site registrations. The information we collect is not shared with other organizations for any purposes whatsoever.


We do not send any unsolicited email. If you receive email from us that you do not desire to receive, please let us know to stop it by sending an email to the above address. If you supply us with your postal address or telephone number online, you will only be contacted by those methods if other methods of communications fail.

Release of Information

Upon request, we provide site visitors with access to all information that we maintain about them. Visitors can access this information by emailing us at the above address. Visitors can have this information corrected by sending us email at the above address.


During the online registration process, a cookie will be set to maintain communication between your computer and our server from page to page. This cookie does not contain any information which could be used by a third party to identify you or your computer. The cookie expires when you close your browser.

Ad Servers

We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies.


We always use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site.

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©2003 Southeast Horn Workshop
Last updated: 20 May 2003