
The following vendors and organizations intend to have exhibits at the 2006 Southeast Horn Workshop:

Atkinson Brass & Company
custom horns and repair
Balu Inc.
the maker of French horn mutes
The Band House
featuring horns by Conn-Selmer and Yamaha
Brass Arts Unlimited
fine horns, methods, music, and accessories, featuring Ricco Kühn horns, Marcus Bonna cases, Hausotte mutes, Lawson and Laskey mouthpieces, and more!
DEG Music Products
distributor of Willson horns
de Haro Horns
brass instrument repair and restoration, including custom leadpipes and screwbell conversion, and now featuring the de Haro Horn!
Dennis Houghton Custom Horn Repair
Emerson Horn Editions
original horn music, transcriptions, and special arrangements for the student, enthusiast, and professional hornist
an interactive video guide for orchestral preparation
Moosewood Hornists’ Requisites
custom mouthpieces and accessories
Osmun Music
custom mouthpieces, accessories, and complete repair services for horn players; horns by Engelbert Schmid and Finke
RM Williams Publishing
music for horn and horn in chamber music
TuneUp Intonation Training Systems
real-world intonation training using an audio CD with a text/workbook providing theory and exercises
Wichita Band Instrument Co.
featuring Alexander, Conn-Selmer, and Paxman Horns

This list is subject to change.

Limited horn repair will be available!

Exhibiting at the 2006 Southeast Horn Workshop is free. There are no registration fees, no table rental fees, and no storage fees. We want as many exhibitors as possible, and want to accommodate everyone’s needs to the best of our ability. We can securely store any merchandise that you would care to ship ahead.

Advertising and event sponsorship are also available.

Vendors or organizations who wish to exhibit at the 2006 Southeast Horn Workshop should download and complete the exhibitor registration form as soon as possible.

Please contact Kristine Coreil with any questions.