About the Webmaster

Greg Campbell received his BM degree magna cum laude from from The University of Georgia and the MM degree in horn performance from Florida State University. He has served as webmaster of the 2001, 2004, and 2005 Southeast Horn Workshops and was elected to continue in this capacity for the foreseeable future. He also designed the website for RM Williams Publishing.

Greg focuses his design efforts on creating standards-based, accessible pages, trying to adhere to the recommendations of the W3C. He has also used technologies such as PHP and MySQL to create a registration management system.

Greg must recognize his brother Jeff Campbell, a graphic designer based in New York, New York. Greg helped his brother in the past to create the beautiful website for David Grossman Fine Custom Furniture. The portrait of the webmaster on this page was created by Jeff and he is often consulted in matters of visual design. If you are interested in his work, visit Jeff Campbell’s portfolio, Rectagon.

Though this website is designed to look similar in all modern web browsers, and to degrade gracefully in older browsers so that content is always accessible, Greg recommends using Firefox, a free web browser from the Mozilla Foundation. Firefox provides an excellent web-browsing experience—easy enough for novice users and extensible enough for advanced users. It’s available for Windows, MacOS X, and Linux.

Get Firefox!